At the head of the Social Security Administration is the Commissioner of Social Security. About…
What Types of Evidence Will Help My Child’s SSI Case? Qualifying for Child SSI Disability Benefits
How to Qualify My Child For SSI Benefits
When children are suffering from significant mental, behavioral, or physical problems, they may be entitled to SSI disability payments if their problems are severe enough. When determining whether a child is disabled, Social Security will look to a number of different sources to determine how limited the child’s functioning is. Social Security will look at the child’s medical records to see what they are receiving treatment for and what the child’s treating medical professionals are saying about their conditions. If a child is suffering from emotional or behavioral problems, it is a good idea to have that child participate in regular mental health therapy and to take any needed medications as prescribed. If a child is school age, Social Security will also look into how the child is doing in school. If the child is doing well in school, Social Security will likely find that the child’s conditions are not affecting them enough to warrant approving the child for SSI benefits. What the child’s teachers say about how the child is performing is especially important. If a child’s conditions are causing problems at school, Social Security will typically want to see that the child is receiving special education services as well.
SSI for Physical Problems
If a child is suffering from a serious physical problem, like cerebral palsy or asthma, Social Security will again look at the child’s medical and school records to see how severe the problems are and what effect it is having on the child’s ability to perform at school. Simply having a diagnosis is not enough; it must be apparent that the child is suffering significant functional limitations as a result of their problems.
Financial Requirements for SSI
There are also financial requirements that a family must meet before a child can receive SSI benefits. Please feel free to call our office and speak with an attorney if you have any questions as to whether your child may qualify for SSI benefits. The disability lawyers at Smith & Godios Inc. are happy to help.
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